Coward and Black Chardonnay

RRP: $39.95

Mid straw pale yellow-green with pale green hue and some brioche, toasted croissant, nashi pear, and lemon curd notes. Bone dry style of Chardonnay and moderately crisp acidity keeps this wine fresh and lively.

Colour:      Mid straw pale yellow-green with pale green hue

Aroma:      Brioche, toasted croissant, nashi pear, lemon curd.

Palate:       Bone dry style of Chardonnay and moderately crisp acidity keeps this wine fresh and lively. Flavours of grilled limes, croissant and poached nashi pears.

FSO2:         35ppm

TSO2:         136ppm

pH:             3.16

TA:             8.1g/L

RS:             0.5g/L

Alc:             13.7%

